Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Daydreaming of Fall at the Laundromat

So here I sit, blogging from the local Laundromat... the one that appears to have no air conditioning. Also the one claiming to have $1 washers that I just had to feed 20 quarters into to run a load. Sad, I only brought 25 quarters... for my 5 loads of laundry. Our washer has been broken nearly a full week now. Two people have come to "look" at it. No one has came to "fix" it. Considering that New Orleans is a two-showers-a-day kind of place, because it is so.... warm, we have accumulated a pile of towels in a week. Every single one we own actually. The clothes situation is even worse. Two showers a day implies two sets of clothes per day as well. So... no clean underwear, no clean shorts, you get the picture.

After I get my 20 quarters deposited and one of my loads of clothes tossed in, I turn around to see 4 little bitty washers with little bitty signs that say: $1.00 washers. Great. I try to get my quarters back. No luck. I've been sitting here almost 40 minutes in this sauna of a Laundromat and realize I have no money to use the dryers. Terrific. It costs $5 to use a dryer!!!

Next door there is a $3 car wash... too bad I don't still have my quarters... I could just spread out ALL my clothes on the top of my car! Surely that would have worked. The regulars are all looking at me like I am crazy as I read the machines and try to figure out how to operate the damn things. It would help if all the instructions weren't rubbed off and the words on the knobs weren't faded.

Did I mention the heat index broke 100 degrees today? Oh, and I'm on my third change of clothes.

Fall, where are you?

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