Friday, November 22, 2013

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor

It is finally time...time for the premier of Catching Fire, the second Hunger Games movie! Last year Matt and I dressed as Katniss and Peeta, along with our friends Liz and Dexter (Katniss #2 and Haymitch). This year, we decided to dress as Effie Trinket and Caesar Flickerman. The books were so good- the kind of book you can't put down, where the characters come to life and you totally forget they are fictional. I can remember driving to work in the mornings wondering how Peeta and Katniss were doing and trying to figure out how I could squeeze in a few pages before I had to start working. Movies are just too short to capture all the details, side stories, historical information about each character, and symbology, but the movies have been really good so far. I can't wait until the next one (it's release date is November 21, 2014!). Here are pictures from the premiere last night... we went to dinner first at 5 Fifty 5 on Canal. I don't think anyone had a clue who we were supposed to be and presumably thought we were just weird. You can get away with "weird" in New Orleans though, so it was okay. One lady approached us as though she was star struck and asked us if we were "music people". Funny.


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